1997 - 2010 Honda Odyssey, Honda MDX, Mazda MPV, Toyota Sienna
1997 - 2010 Honda Odyssey, Honda MDX, Mazda MPV, Toyota Sienna
CAUTION: Refrigerant under high pressure. Be sure to evacuate the system before servicing.
1. Unhook aluminum lines going to the rear evaporator, located under the hood on the passenger side fender well.
To disconnect the large return line use 15/16" wrench and 1 1/16" wrench (or crescent wrenches)
To disconnect the small pressure line use 3/4" and 11/16" wrenches

2. Remove original o-rings from the original fittings
3. Replace with new lubricated o-rings and install supplied fittings.
If available use a small amount of anti-seize on the threads of the new fittings
To install the new fittings use 2 - 3/4" wrenches for the small pressure line
and a 1" and 1 1/16" wrench for the large return fitting
4. Torque to 20 in. lbs
NOTE: Recharge system using approximately 1 lb. LESS than original factory specs then adjust accordingly.
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